Interface | Description |
AbstractMethod |
Declaration subinterface for an abstract method. |
Access |
Classes that implement this interface are access controllable according to
the Java Language Specification.
Accessor |
Expression subinterface for expressions which access data including
field accesses, array accesses, and method invocations. |
Annotation | |
AnnotationAttribute |
An AnnotationAttribute is the parameter of an
Annotation . |
ArgumentList<T extends Codeable> |
A list of arguments that can be used in a call.
ArrayAccess |
Expression subinterface for array accesses. |
ArrayInitializer |
Expression subinterface for array initializers. |
ArrayType |
Type subinterface for array types. |
Assign |
Expression subinterface for assignments. |
Binary |
Expression subinterface for expressions which have left and right
operands. |
Blank |
Expression subinterface for blank expressions. |
Block |
Block superinterface. |
BooleanLiteral |
Literal subinterface for boolean literals. |
Break |
Statement subinterface for the break keyword. |
ByteLiteral |
Literal subinterface for byte literals. |
CalendarClassType | |
Case |
Statement subinterface for the case construct in a
switch . |
Cast |
Expression subinterface for casting. |
Catch |
Statement subinterface for the catch construct in a
try . |
CharLiteral |
Literal subinterface for char literals. |
ClassDeclaration |
Declaration subinterface for the class declaration heirarchy. |
ClassField |
Declaration subinterface for a general field which may occur in a
class. |
ClassLiteral |
Literal subinterface for class literals. |
ClassMethod |
Declaration subinterface for a method which may occur in a class and
is a Block . |
ClassType |
Type subinterface for class types. |
Codeable |
Codeable is a core interface which nearly all other interfaces
extend. |
CodeWriter |
CodeWriter is the object to which code is rendered. |
Comment |
Comment superinterface. |
CompilationUnit |
Declaration subinterface for compilation units. |
CompilationUnitEncoder | |
ConditionalStatement |
Statement subinterface for the conditional statements (statements
whose execution depends on the truthful evaluation of a predicate). |
Constant |
Declaration subinterface for a Field which is static
and final . |
Constructor |
Declaration subinterface for a class constructor. |
ConstructorForwarding |
This interface represents a forwarding to another constructor, this is either
this() or super() . |
Continue |
Statement subinterface for the continue keyword. |
Declaration |
Declaration superinterface. |
Default |
default case clause the optional final case of a switch
statement. |
DocumentationComment |
Comment subinterface for documentation comments (javadoc). |
DoubleLiteral |
Literal subinterface for double literals. |
DoWhile |
Statement subinterface for the do while construct. |
Else |
Statement subinterface for the else construct in an
if . |
ElseIf |
Statement subinterface for the else if construct in an
if . |
Empty |
Statement subinterface for the empty statement. |
Expression |
Expression superinterface. |
ExpressionStatement |
Statement subinterface for a general container of expressions such as
assignments, method invocations, field acesses, etc... |
False |
Literal subinterface for false . |
Field |
Declaration subinterface for a field. |
FieldAccess |
Expression subinterface for field accesses. |
Finally |
Statement subinterface for the finally construct in a
try . |
FloatLiteral |
Literal subinterface for float literals. |
For |
Statement subinterface for the for construct. |
FormalParameter |
Declaration subinterface for formal parameter. |
Freeform |
Expression subinterface for freeform expressions. |
If |
Statement subinterface for the if, else if,
else construct. |
Import |
Declaration subinterface for import declarations at the beginning of
a compilation unit. |
InitializationDeclaration |
Declaration subinterface for an initialization structures including
static initializers and constructors. |
InnerClass |
Declaration subinterface for an inner class. |
InnerInterface |
Declaration subinterface for an inner class. |
Interface |
Declaration subinterface for interfaces. |
IntLiteral |
Literal subinterface for int literals. |
Invoke |
Expression subinterface for method invocations (n-ary). |
IVisitor | Deprecated
ReplacingVisitor instead |
Lambda |
Models Java 8 lambda expressions.
Let |
Statement subinterface for local variable declarations. |
Literal |
Literal superinterface. |
LocalBlock |
Statement subinterface for a local block. |
LocalClass |
Declaration subinterface for a local class. |
LongLiteral |
Literal subinterface for long literals. |
Member |
Declaration subinterface for other declaration structures which may
belong to a class / interface. |
Method |
Declaration subinterface for methods including abstract and class
methods. |
Namespace |
Declaration subinterface for the package declaration at the beginning
of a compilation unit. |
NewAnonymousClass |
Declaration subinterface for an anonymous class. |
NewArray |
Expression subinterface for expressions which create new arrays. |
NewClass |
Expression subinterface for expressions which create new non-array
objects. |
Null |
Literal subinterface for the null literal. |
OctalLiteral |
OctalLiteral subinterface for octal character literals. |
PackageClass |
Declaration subinterface for the class declaration heirarchy. |
PrimitiveType |
Type subinterface for primitive types. |
ReplacingVisitor |
Visitor implementation that can be used with
Codeable instances. |
Return |
Statement subinterface for the return keyword. |
ScientificLiteral |
Literal subinterface for scientific floating point literals. |
ShortLiteral |
Literal subinterface for short literals. |
Statement |
Statement superinterface. |
StaticInitializer |
Declaration subinterface for a static initialization block. |
StringLiteral |
Literal subinterface for string literals. |
Super | |
Switch |
Statement subinterface for the switch construct. |
Synchronized |
Statement subinterface for the synchronized construct. |
Ternary |
Expression subinterface for expressions which have a three operands. |
This |
Models the keyword
this . |
Throw |
Statement subinterface for the throw keyword. |
True |
Literal subinterface for true . |
Try |
Statement subinterface for the try catch
finally construct. |
TryResource |
Models a resource declaration in a try-with-resources statement.
Type |
Type superinterface. |
TypeDeclaration |
Declaration subinterface for type declaration including class and
interface declarations. |
Unary |
Expression subinterface for expressions which have a single operand. |
UnicodeLiteral |
CharLiteral subinterface for unicode character literals. |
Variable |
Expression subinterface for variables (references). |
While |
Statement subinterface for the while construct. |
Class | Description |
ConditionalVisitor |
Base implementation for a visitor that goes as deep as desired.
VirtualMachine |
VirtualMachine acts as a factory method for
CompilationUnit , Type , Literal , and
Expression objects. |
Enum | Description |
Access.AccessType | |
Constructor.ForwardingTarget |
The target of a constructor forwarding.
Style |
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